Existing Investors
You can access information about your holdings in the active ETF via the registry MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre.
You can sell units or purchase additional units as you would any security traded on the ASX – through your broker, financial adviser, or your online brokerage account or platform.
Unitholders right to receive documents
There are several options for how unitholders of the active ETF can receive communications from the RE.
Receiving your unitholder communications electronically is the best way to stay informed, we encourage you to make the switch to paperless communications and provide us with your email address. To make the change, go to MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre and follow the prompts.
Unitholders can make an election on how they would like to receive certain documents including annual reports and documents related to unitholder meetings (for example notices of meeting and proxy/voting forms) as follows:
- Unitholders can make a standing election to receive the documents in physical or electronic form;
- Unitholders can make a one-off request to receive a document in physical or electronic form; or
- Unitholders can tell us if you do not want to receive a copy of the Annual Report (and any other documents prescribed by the relevant regulations).
To review your communications preferences or sign up to receive your Unitholder communications via email, please update your details at MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre.
If you are a Unitholder and would like a physical copy of a communication, need further information about the options available to you or have questions about your holding, visit MUFG Corporate Markets Investor Centre or contact us.