Fund Overview

Class C units are available only by invitation from the Responsible Entity.

Best ideas portfolio

Based on deep fundamental research, our team has high conviction in the companies selected for this portfolio.

Focus on targeted return

Built on investments we have identified with the ability, in our view, to generate attractive returns over the longer-term.

We trade time for value

Exploits short-term volatility and poor short-term price discovery due to the fund’s longer time horizon.

SMID cap expertise

Managed by a global team with deep research expertise and strong capital allocation track record.

Investment objective

The Fund aims to outperform the MSCI ACWI SMID Cap Index (after fees and expenses and before taxes) on a rolling five-year basis.

Investment process

The Vaughan Nelson Global SMID Cap Equity team seek investments that in our view have the ability to generate attractive returns over the longer-term.

Stock selection is driven by this targeted return objective, not benchmark construction.

The investment team have a rigorous, bottom-up fundamental analysis and disciplined approach to help uncover drivers of long-term strong performance.

3 lenses for success

Undervalued earnings growth

Where the future redeployment of capital is not reflected in current valuation

Undervalued assets

Where the asset is priced at a significant discount or we identify a catalyst to close the valuation gap.

Undervalued dividend yield

Where the majority of targeted return is generated by the dividend.

Key documents

Class C units are available only by invitation from the Responsible Entity. For a copy of the Product Disclosure Document, Investment Guide and Target Market Determination please contact us.

Fund Facts
The Vaughan Nelson Global Equity SMID Fund


Portfolio Managers James Eisenman, CFA, CPA
Marco Priani, CFA, CPA, FRM
Kevin Ross, CFA
Chris Wallis, CFA,CPA    Find out more
Benchmark MSCI ACWI SMID Cap Index
Inception 2 September 2024
ARSN 657 058 841
Distribution frequency Generally Annually
Performance fee Nil
(the constitution for the Fund permits a performance fee to be charged. However the RE has waived its right to charge this fee)
Management fee Please contact us for more information about the fee for Class C units